Our Physicians | Dr. med. Tim Kümmerle

General Practitioner and Consultant Infectious Diseases

Foreign Languages
English | French

to Person

Dr. Kümmerle is General Practitioner with specialization in Infectious Diseases. His Medical School was Mainz, Germany, he was also trained in Dijon, France. During his internship, he was employed at Clinics in Köln and private practices.

Since his GP diploma in 2002, Dr. Kümmerle is part of the physician team at the Infectious Diseases outpatient ward at the University Clinic in Cologne, head of department: Prof. Fätkenheuer.

His responsibilities are the medical care of patients with infectious diseases, his research focus is Clinical Studies. Dr. Kümmerle is regularly involved in the medical training of colleagues and patients.

Beside his work at the Praxis am Ebertplatz, Dr. Kümmerle will continue to offer patient care at the University Clinic.

Curriculum Vitae

1991 - 1998
Medical School

Ph.D. Thesis

1998 - 2005
Internship General Practitioner

GP Qualification

2005 - 2012
Intern at the University Clinic of Cologne

Subspecialty Infectious Diseases

Private Practice Praxis am Ebertplatz